Lone MorselProductions

Art Room

13-minute horror film
written & directed by Frank Merle

Emily has been accepted into Art School, but there's a catch: she has to provide her own supplies. Rather than getting herself further into debt, she opts to go back to her old high school late one night to steal the art supplies she needs. But when she accidentally catches her former teacher doing terrible things in the art room, the price may be her life.


Best Horror Short:
2009 Illinois International Film Festival

Official Selection:

2009 Fright Night Film Festival
2009 Indie Fest USA
2009 Illinois International Film Festival
2009 Chicago International REEL Shorts Fest


Erin Killean, Bobby Zaman & William C. Schmidt

Director's Notes

I wanted to do a very genre-specific piece that had a slow-burning, suspenseful first half and an action-packed, violent climax. So I wrote this simple story of two wrongdoers whose paths cross one night while they're trapped in a locked-up high school. Both characters justify their own behavior in their minds, so it was fun seeing what happens when they start judging each other.

Art Room


Buy the DVD here