
grab bag blog

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Hauptmann Poster

March 15, 2013
poster for BoHo Theatre's 'Hauptmann'

This is the most recent poster I’ve put together. The show Hauptmann is all about how the media circus surrounding the real-life case of the kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh’s son resulted in a trial that modern scholars think was wildly unfair and inconclusive, but which nonetheless resulted in the execution of Bruno Hauptmann.I put this together with only a few pieces. It’s mostly text, using Times New Roman (which was invented in 1931 for newspaper use, so it’s quite appropriate) and one of my favorite fonts, Headline. The photos and headers are from scans of period newspapers and photos from the Associate Press. The small copy in there is from an actual newspaper article on Hauptmann from the New York Times. And the newspapers are from four stock images I bought from Shutterstock and color adjusted.

A fun story: those newspapers look blank, but when I was playing around with the levels on them, I found that the text is still there. I’m not sure how the photographer removed it, but the remnants are still there. And three of these four images are actually the exact same paper, just in different positions. Whadaya know!


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