
grab bag blog

This is where I talk about my work, my discoveries, my creative process, and the ins and outs of marketing in the arts.

New Portfolio

August 11, 2010

Filed under:

freelance life
New portfolio

Hey, whatever happened to the new comics!? August is a crazy month for me. I’ve got one major major project I’m working on for a big local theater, as well a bunch of projects for smaller theaters and freelance clients. Big changes are in the works over the next month. We’ll see where it takes me. In any event, I’ll be carving out more time for myself and, yes, comics, because I need to or I’ll go insane. But one good thing to come out of all this is a brand new design portfolio I’ve put together for design position interviews. As you can see in the photo above, it’s very sleek and sexy.

Want to flip through it yourself? Click here for an online PDF version. I’ll be updating my design website to jive with this new look soon. But before I do that, I have to finish tidying up around here, because Grab Bag Comics is moving to a new server over the next two weeks. Hopefully, you won’t even notice the move, but I hope to get a better organizational structure going around here, and updated WordPress functionality out of this blog. But enough about me. How are you doing?


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