
grab bag blog

This is where I talk about my work, my discoveries, my creative process, and the ins and outs of marketing in the arts.

So Long, Comic Strips!

April 24, 2013

Filed under:

freelance life, news

You might have noticed a few subtle changes taking place around these parts. You might have stumbled through here and thought “Wait a minute, where are all the comic strips?” They’re gone!

For a long time, I had been struggling with properly archiving the almost 1500 (and growing!) Dumbstruck strips I’ve got laying around. And this blog just wasn’t cutting it anymore. For too long, this place has been a catch-all blog for whatever I need it to be, and trying to integrate the functionality to make it all things to all of my content was becoming a bigger and bigger headache. So I’ve reorganized!

A Place To Call Home

Screen cap of Dumbstruck website

Dumbstruck can now be found on it’s own brand-new website: This bright, shiny new home has it’s own unique archiving system, which I designed and coded specifically for the strip and will allow visitors both new and old to more conveniently browse the whole collection. I’m done with those insanely long lists of dates and titles that you find on other webcomic sites! Dumbstruck is a story, and now you’ll be able to browse it more like you would a book: with chapters and summaries.

As promised, over the next year I’ll be rebuilding the archives starting at the beginning with an all-new prologue. I’ll be adding strips to fill in gaps in continuity and restoring strips that I never had time to complete. It’s going to be a fantastically fun time, and I hope you’ll join me for it.

A New Purpose

As for this blog, it’s getting a new focus. A recent workshop, which I’ll tell y’all about very soon, helped me gain clarity on how to most effectively put it to use. So from now on, what you’ll find here will be mainly behind-the-scenes explorations of my freelance work, be it design, illustration, or consulting. It will be much more strongly connected to my business and my portfolio site.

Thanks for dropping in! We’re just getting started…


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