
grab bag blog

This is where I talk about my work, my discoveries, my creative process, and the ins and outs of marketing in the arts.

Wisconsin Vacation Sketches

August 26, 2011

Filed under:

art & sketches, news
Wollersheim Winery and Spring Green sketches Blue Spoon sculpture


This past weekend, I took a much-needed three-day vacation to Wisconsin. My last vacation was my trip to Panama three years ago. And I don’t mean that was the last time I went somewhere cool, I mean it was the last time I had an extended period of time not doing work. I need to do get away more often!

These are the three sketches I managed to churn out in that time. I wish I’d had time to do more drawing, but considering I haven’t had the time to do any drawing for myself most of this year, I count these three pages as a victory nonetheless! I truly believe that an artist needs to create for themselves just like an athlete needs to continually workout to be in top shape. A year from now, my goal is to have my business (and clients) organized in such a way that I can spend several mornings a week sketching for myself as a warmup, and produce something for myself at least every other week.

While I was in Wisconsin, I stopped by Arcadia Books in Spring Green, which is owned by James Bohnen, the retired artistic director of one of my clients, Remy Bumppo Theatre Company. Lisa and I hug out with him over the weekend and saw the show he directed at American Players Theatre. While at the bookstore, I picked up Scottie Young‘s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which I’ve been craving for some time, and French Milk, a diary comic/sketchbook/travelogue from cartoonist Lucy Knisley, whose work I now realize I’ve seen before, and who only days ago moved away from Chicago to live in New York. I recommend checking out both.


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