
grab bag blog

This is where I talk about my work, my discoveries, my creative process, and the ins and outs of marketing in the arts.

The Girl and The Goat

February 16, 2011

Filed under:

art & sketches

For Valentine’s Day, Lisa reserved us dinner at The Girl and The Goat, which is a restaurant started by Stephanie Izard from Top Chef (Lisa is a Top Chef fiend). She took her Top Chef Cookbook in the hopes of getting it signed. She also asked that I draw a cartoon to give Stephanie (perhaps as a sly way to convince her to sign the book). So despite being under the weather, I sketched out this cartoon for the event.

Unfortunately, Lisa had class ON Valentine’s Day, so we had to go the day before, and Stephanie was not working that say (the waiter said she was at a charity event). We left this drawing for her anyway along with our business cards. Unfortunately, though, we’ve heard nothing from her. 🙁


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